I have a few posts in the works about my weight loss goals and boy related realizations but I want to take a minute and share some of my other goals. I’m really excited about some of the projects I’ve been working on lately. I’m working my way through an online coding bootcamp sort of thing because, at the end, you get to do four projects for non-profits and add those to your portfolio.

I’m about half way done with it now and have another one I’d like to work through as well, because it focuses on different skills. I’m also at the very beginning of my first freelance project, building a scheduling app.

Just to share a couple of fun little things I made recently, here’s a Local Weather App and a Random Quote Generator

Local-Weather-App Random-Quote-Generator

They were simply little things but they’re kind of fun to share.

I’ll continue to share things as I work on them. I’m also still continuing to work on the design of this site. I have several more changes and improvements in the works.

I also intend to have a couple of posts out this week. Hopefully I can follow through with that.

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