June, I miss you already. Cake, parties, drinks, birthday gifts, the first day of summer, and so many other things make June my favorite month. This June, however, has not been one of my favorite. We’ll see what July brings!

Here’s the June goals recap:

1) Walk from day job to evening job: I didn’t do this one every day, it depended on my transportation situation for the day, but I think I can call it successful because I wouldn’t have thought about doing it before.

2) More fiber and iron: It wasn’t a focus but I still did a pretty good job of this thanks to the beloved “crack smoothies”

3) Do little strength exercises at work: A teeny bit, no, an itsy bitsy bit.

4) Go to the gym at least once a week: 2/4 suck.

5) Finish the list of tweaks for website: I think that I got one or two done but I made some decisions about bigger changes that made this a pointless task. I am going to go self hosted.


1. Get back in the game: I want to get back to working out. It fits in the middle of my day. I’ve tested and approved my ability to get a workout and get back to work so now it becomes a priority.

2. Be totally vain: I haven’t been caring much about my appearance this month with the long hours. Enough of the “F*ck it, I’m awake, what else do you want???” attitude.

3. Do mini morning and evening exercises: This was a week goal this week but getting sick has zapped my motivation. I think it needs larger attention, though.

4. Finish 3 books or audio books: I have a huge list of things I want to read so I should make this a priority.

5. Sit correctly at work: This is probably causing a bunch of my pain so I’ll make a goal of it to see what difference it makes.

6. Survive: Evening job ends August 1.

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