While my weekly goals this last week read like a study in failure, my monthly goals were list the show off older sister who gets good grades while I’m struggling just to get to class on time fully dressed… (Umm… baggage much???)
Here’s what May looked like:
1) No more aspartame: Check! It was good to be off it for a while but I did want to have something flavored last week and it was a drag having to abstain. Maybe for the future this should be limited, not banned.
2) Work Cottage Cheese into my diet: I’m actually starting to like it. Shit. I still think it looks like albino vomit.
3) Be more diligent about drinking water: Check! I totally get a gold star for this one.
4) Try a new recipe each week: Pretty much check, I’m still bored but I tried new things also.
5) Finish my blog redesign: While the redesign is finished, I still have a million little details to add and change.
And moving on to the month of my birth. That’s right, June 16, feel free to send me gifts!
1) Walk from day job to evening job: I might not be getting to the gym but I can get some exercise in
2) More fiber and iron: I want to focus on getting more fiber in my diet again and I was super low on iron this week.
3) Do little strength exercises at work: Hello, multitasking is awesome.
4) Go to the gym at least once a week: I pay for it now I’ve got to use it.
5) Finish the list of tweaks for website: Keep an eye out for little changes!