Look, just go with it, okay?

I’m not ready for it to be after the New Year and to acknowledge that I just spent a week in the hospital with my Grandmother while she died.

It was tragic and heartbreaking. I’ll tell you all about it over the next little while because it has huge relevance to the things I talk about here.

Today I weigh 247.3lbs, just to check in but I don’t care yet.

I’ll care by the end of the week.

For now, it’s December 27th and I’m planning my goals for the next year, I’m analyzing this last year, and I’m preparing to celebrate on Friday night.

Call it denial, delusion, or whatever, this is how I’m getting through the next few days. It’s going to be a busy week.

Tomorrow I’ll resume Skanky Tuesday with a post written a few weeks ago so please do come back and check it out.

Thank you to everyone who’s sent me an email, tweet, Facebook message, text, comment, or letter by carrier pigeon (okay, that didn’t really happen…), every single message helped me and my mom through a really difficult week.

I’m sorry that the last post was so vague and for the possibly offensive image I used. It was insensitive at the least.

Coherence will be back soon.

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