OMG I’m two years old!!!
And this is the last post I’ll do here.
Never fear, I’m not leaving the interwebs, I’m just rebranding.
On January 25, 2010 I started this little journey to lose weight. I’ve definitely lost some weight but I feel a bit like I’ve outgrown Kendra Through The Looking Glass and need to expand my horizons. I want to talk about more than the size of my ass and the things that I do with it. My life is expanding and so should my blog. So, I’m taking most of my archives and moving over to a URL I’ve actually owned all along:
I mean, the name is still just as dorky as my current one but at least it’s a little shorter. Considering my tendency to wear ridiculous shoes and multitask like it’s a sport; it just makes sense. So, here’s what you can expect; everything I’ve always written about plus posts about the whole training to be an opera singer thing I’ve got going on.
There will be more recipes, regular Skanky Tuesdays, Weigh-In Wednesdays, Run Forrest Run posts, but there will also be posts about things I’m trying to achieve in other areas of life.
Most of the content you can find here will be available over at Jogging In Stilettos but there are a few posts I’m going to leave behind. While I try to take risks in my content, some of the things I’ve written without thinking through were just plain awkward or inappropriate. I’d like my blog to be something that I’m not afraid of people finding. I need to be able to confidently stand behind the risks I take. The posts that are straight up “Kendra’s gone crazy” aren’t ones that I can do that with.
I hope that you’ll come over to the new site and join me in my ongoing shenanigans. It’s going to be fun.