Oh February, you came and went too soon. I loved you so.
Really, though, February was a glorious month for me. In addition to finding my sanity once again I made strides in several areas of my life and discovered that even when the bottom drops out I will eventually end up back on my feet again. That’s huge for me. In fact, it’s more important than a 50lb loss.
Of course, the loss is good too.
So, how did the goals from last month pan out? Let’s take a look.
1. Start cooking again – I did a lot more cooking this month than the previous months but I did not resume my weekly preparation of meals. So, while I certainly passed on this one, I could have done better.
2. Work my way back into regular workouts – I failed this one with flying colors. Between breaking my toe, getting totally sick (I’m still not better), and all the events I’ve been going to, I just plain failed.
3. Make weight loss, not boys, my focus this month – Oh, what do I even say about this one. No, I was not focusing on boys this month and yes, I did lose weight but I’d be lying if I said that someone hasn’t been on my mind since February 13. What? I’m good with dates and numbers. It’s something that I’m taking one step, one moment at a time. Even though it’s ALL I’ve wanted to talk about since then, I’ve also been trying to do this one without an audience. That’s hard for me. To make this goal, though, and keep sane I’ve had to compartmentalize this into a “he only exists on weekends” category.
4. Start the job search – Check! I’ve been working on this one like crazy. I have some prospects and we’ll hope that something pans out before March 31 when my current contract expires.
5. Move to a new apartment – I’ve filled out all the paperwork and I’m still waiting to hear back. It’s totally trying my patience, you have no idea. I want my apartment now!!!
6. Set a budget – Fail!
March Goals
1. Start running again AFTER March 14. I’ve spent the last week wanting to run so badly. It’s really hard to motivate myself to do other forms of exercise because I just don’t like it as much. It’s bad, I know, and I’m a brat. I really can’t wait until I can lace on those sexy Nike’s again and get my ass on the treadmill. I might even try running outside.
2. Do strength training once a week. I bought a bunch of the Core Fusion DVDs and now I have no excuse (not that I did before) to not do them.
3. Get a job! This current contract has been great, I love where I work but sadly, they cannot keep me after March 31. Though, as much as I do like it here, I like it because of my co-workers, not because of the work. I don’t really use any of my major skill set.
4. Get more organized. Because I’ve been in transition mode I’ve let my usually organized life turn all kinds of hot mess. Yesterday I was so half asleep when I was getting dressed I didn’t even realize that I was putting on pants that were a size too large for me because they were put in the wrong place. I had to hold them up all day. It was really attractive, I’m sure.
5. Eat something green every day. I made this a goal for the week but I think it merits being a month long goal too. So far this week I’ve been doing really well.
So, how’d you do last month and what are your goals for this month?