Until Saturday I didn’t think I was going to lose anything this week. Because of lack of sleep the scale had been holding steady at 265.8lbs. I was feeling a little angry with Frank until I remembered that he was just the messenger. So, we’re back on good terms.
I finally got around to taking progress pictures. They didn’t come out quite how I expected. Strange how the weight doesn’t come off how you think it will. When I started I thought I had a pretty good idea of where I would lose weight first and what the whole thing would look like. Nope.

Last Week:
1. Twice to the gym at the end of the week: Nope, I’ve kind of lost steam here with the long hours
2. Make a workout plan: Again, nope
3. Eat more: Sort of… I really tried but I still had some bad days
4. Bring resistence band to work: I totally forgot
5. Take the stairs at day job: Again, I totally forgot
As you can see, last week was like a study in failure…
This week:
1. Get to gym once this weekend
2. Bring resistence band to work
3. Get home and to sleep earlier
4. Eat meals