That .4lb sitting back on my ass is 100% worth it. Now that I’m back to dedicatedly drinking water to not repeat the dehydration collapse of last night and starting my sugar free week I’m back in gear and starting the baby steps back to the routine.

I don’t like to try to just jump back in. It doesn’t make sense to do so. I mean, I started the whole thing with baby steps that were successful so why change the pattern now? I’m smarter than that… for the most part.

I want to focus this week on both cutting out sugar (the challenge) and fitness. I’d like to start doing strength training again but ease my way in because I hate it, like, ridiculous much. It’s true.

I’m going to have to talk about this later, though, because today there’s too much to talk about and not enough time before I get caught blogging and get fired. That’s right, just in case you all didn’t know, I do this at work.

Last week there were no goals because I wasn’t about to put pressure on myself while hanging out and chilling. None of that, thankyouverymuch. Let’s talk goals for this week, though.

This Week’s Goals:
1. Run twice
2. Strength Training once
3. No sugar
4. Water, I mean, how could this not be a goal after this weekend.

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